热门关键词: 光伏太阳能板天窗 防水光伏太阳能电池板 U玻璃光伏太阳能电池板
近日,各省十四五规划陆续出台,光伏、光+储能、水风光、光热等新能源被多个省份列入十四五规划。其中, 江苏、西藏、四川、甘肃酒泉、陕西等6个省份明确了累计120GW新能源装机规划 ,河北预计光伏新增规模将超22GW。仅四川、山西、广东计划新能源产业收入总额已达到9230亿元,甘肃 酒泉计划建成千亿级规模清洁能源产业链、陕西着力构建万亿级能源化工产业集群。
根据各省十四五规划,可以发现,西藏、陕西、酒泉等西北省份重点布局风光储 等新能源;吉林、辽宁、河北、广东提出发展氢能、光 伏等能源;山西、青海对光 伏制造和发展提出了要求和规划;江苏、四川发展水光互补基地;福建、河南完善能源产供储销体系 。
西藏自治区印发了“十四五”规划和二〇三五年远景目标的建议,文件指出,加快清洁能源规模化开发,形成以清洁能源为主、油气和其他新能源互补的综合能源体系,2025年建成国家清洁可再生能源利用示范区。加快推动金沙江上游(藏川段)清洁能源外送通道建设。 光伏太阳能、装机容量突破1000万千瓦。完善西藏电网骨干网架,加强与西南电网互联。科学开发 光伏、地热、风电、光热等新能源,加快推进“光伏+储能”研究和试点,大力推动“水风光互补” ,推动清洁能源开发利用和电气化走在全国前列。
酒泉市委关于制定国民经济和社会发展第十四个五年规划和二〇三五年远景目标的建议指出,加快建设风光水火核多能互补、源网氢储为一体的绿色能源体系,主攻千万千瓦级风电、光伏光热、电网升级、调峰电源、储能装置等八类工程,集中精力做大产业规模,做优发展质量。 加大平价风光电开发力度,力争新增电力装机2000万千瓦以上。促进风光电上网率达到全国先进水平,建成千亿级规模的清洁能源产业链。
陕西第十四个五年规划和二〇三五年远景目标提出,推动能源化工产业清洁化高端化发展。调整优化煤电布局,积极发展风电、光电、生物质发电,加快陕北风光储氢多能融合示范基地建设。 着力构建万亿级能源化工产业集群,打造世界一流的高端能源化工基地。
《山西省光伏制造业发展三年行动计划(2020-2022年)》指出,以晋中、吕梁、长治为重点,加强重大项目培育和产业链招商,整合提升硅片、电池片、组件等光伏制造产业链,完善专用设备、光伏玻璃、金刚线、银浆等配套体系,打造光伏制造全产业链生态体系。 发挥山西省光伏产业联盟作用,推动产业链上下游合作创新,统筹内外创新资源,培育行业创新平台,推动前沿领先技术不断取得突破。加强创新产品应用示范,培育一批拥有自主知识产权、竞争力较强的品牌产品,形成产业高质量增长态势,打造国家级光伏产业基地。力争到2022年,光伏制造业营业收入达到130亿元。
江苏省能源局发布《江苏省“十四五”可再生能源发展专项规划(征求意见稿》),明确充分发挥太阳能资源,到2025年底,全省光伏发电装机达到2600万千瓦。其中,分布式与集中式光伏发电装机分别达到12GW、14GW。因 地制宜推动盐城、南通、连云港、宿迁、镇江、淮安、扬州、徐州等地建设一批风光互补、渔光互补以及农业设施相结合等不同方式和形态的“光伏+”综合利用平价示范基地和陆上风电平价示范基地。 推动苏州工业园区、常州天宁区郑陆工业园、盐城市现代高端纺织产业区、南通海门市余东镇、秦州姜堰区、无锡江阴市以及省内泰州兴化市共7个分布式发电市场化交易试点建设。
四川第十四个五年规划和二〇三五年远景目标指出,统筹能源水利基础设施建设。建设中国“气大庆”、特高压交流电网、水风光互补一体化清洁能源基地,完善能源产供储销体系 ,建设清洁能源示范省。根据四川发改委官方消息,四川省甘孜、阿坝、凉山州及攀枝花市“三州一市”光伏基地规划评审会召开。该规划修改完善规划后,将按程序报批,为四川省“十四五”及以后光伏基地建设创造条件。四川“三州一市”光伏基地十四五规划总装机容量预计20GW。
根据四川省能源局关于编制光伏发电基地规划(2020-2025年)有关事项的通知,拟在甘孜、阿坝、凉山州及攀枝花市启动光伏基地编制规划工作,按照基地化、规模化、集约化的要求,每个市(州)原则上只规划 1-2个光伏发电基地,最多不超过3个,每个光伏发电基地规模不少于1GW。
吉林第十四个五年规划和二〇三五年远景目标指出,创新发展氢能、风能、太阳能、生物质能等新能源 ,整合东部抽水蓄能和西部新能源资源,建设吉林“陆上三峡”工程,扩大“吉电南送”,撬动新能源装备制造业发展。
辽宁第十四个五年规划和二〇三五年远景目标指出,培育壮大氢能、风电、光伏等新能源产业 ,推动能源清洁低碳安全高效利用,推动能源消费结构调整。加强和完善能源产供储销体系建设,加快形成煤、油、气、核和新能源协调发展的能源供应体系。
广东省发改委等六部门印发《广东省培育新能源战略性新兴产业集群行动计划(2021-2025年)》提出,到2025年,新能源发电装机规模约10250万千瓦(其中核电装机约1850万千瓦,气电装机约4200万千瓦, 风电、光伏、生物质发电装机约4200万千瓦),天然气供应能力超过700亿立方米,制氢规模约8万吨,氢燃料电池约500万千瓦,储能规模约200万千瓦 ;全省新能源产业营业收入达到7300亿元,新能源产业增加值达到1800亿元。
福建第十四个五年规划和二0三五年远景目标指出,优化能源基础设施布局,完善能源产供储销体系,建设智慧能源系统 ,打造绿色、智慧、安全的现代化电网。促进绿色低碳发展。制定实施力争碳排放提前达峰行动方案,推动低碳城市、低碳园区试点建设,探索建立碳排放权交易市场。
河南省发布《关于制定河南省国民经济和社会发展第十四个五年规划和二〇三五年远景目标的建议》,其中提到,构建低碳高效的能源支撑体系,推进能源革命,谋划建设外电入豫新通道,加快国家主干油气管道建设, 积极发展新能源和可再生能源,建设沿黄绿色能源廊道,完善能源产供储销体系。
内蒙古自治区党委关于制定国民经济和社会发展第十四个五年规划和二〇三五年远景目标的建议指出,加大生态系统保护力度,把保护草原、森林作为首要任务,严格执行基本草原保护制度,落实草原生态保护补助奖励政策,完善草畜平衡和草原禁牧休牧制度,开展草原生态承载能力核定和草原生态系统健康评价,加大退牧还草力度。 严禁在草原上乱采滥挖、新上矿产资源开发等工业项目,已批准在建运营的矿山、风电、光伏等项目到期退出。
Recently, the 14th Five-Year Plan of each province has been introduced successively. Photovoltaic, light + energy storage, water scenery, photovoltaic and other new energy sources have been included in the 14th Five-Year Plan of many provinces. Among them, Jiangsu, Xizang, Sichuan, Gansu Jiuquan, Shaanxi and other six provinces have made a total of 120GW of new energy installed capacity planning, Hebei is expected to increase the scale of photovoltaic will exceed 22GW. Sichuan, Shanxi and Guangdong plan to generate a total revenue of 923 billion yuan from the new energy industry. Jiuquan in Gansu plans to build a clean energy industry chain with a scale of 100 billion yuan. Shaanxi is striving to build an energy and chemical industry cluster with a scale of 100 billion yuan.
According to the 14th Five-Year Plan of each province, it can be found that Xizang, Shaanxi, Jiuquan and other northwestern provinces have laid out key new energy sources such as landscape storage. Jilin, Liaoning, Hebei and Guangdong proposed to develop hydrogen energy, photovoltaic energy and other energy sources.Shanxi and Qinghai have put forward requirements and plans for photovoltaic manufacturing and development. Jiangsu and Sichuan will develop water-light complementary bases; Fujian and Henan improved the energy production, supply, storage and marketing systems.
The Tibet Autonomous Region has issued proposals for the 14th Five-Year Plan and the long-term goal of 2035. The document states that the region will speed up the large-scale development of clean energy, form a comprehensive energy system with clean energy as the main energy source and oil, gas and other new energy sources complementing each other, and establish a national demonstration zone for the utilization of clean and renewable energy by 2025. We will accelerate the construction of clean energy delivery channels in the upper reaches of the Jinsha River (Zangchuan section).Installed photovoltaic and solar capacity exceeded 10 million kilowatts. We will improve the backbone grid of Tibet's power grid and strengthen its interconnection with the southwest power grid. We will develop photovoltaic (PV), geothermal energy, wind power, solar thermal and other new energy sources in a scientific way, speed up research and trials on the "PV + energy storage" model, vigorously promote the "wind-water complementarity" model, and take the lead in the development, utilization and electrification of clean energy in China.
Jiuquan, gansu province
Jiuquan municipal party committee of 14 for the national economic and social development five-year plan and 2035 vision, points out that to speed up the construction of landscape water nuclear can complement each other, source of hydrogen for the integration of green energy storage system, the main do kilowatt wind power, photovoltaic solar-thermal power grid upgrading, load power, energy storage device such as eight class project, focus on big industry scale, do best quality development. We will intensify the development of affordable wind-power generation and strive to increase the installed power capacity by more than 20 million kilowatts. We will promote the Internet access rate of scenic power to reach the national advanced level, and build a clean energy industry chain with a scale of 100 billion.
Shaanxi's Fourteenth Five-Year Plan and 2035 Vision Goals were proposed to promote clean and high-end development of the energy and chemical industry. We will adjust and optimize the distribution of coal power, actively develop wind power, photoelectric power and biomass power generation, and speed up the construction of a demonstration base for hydrogen storage and multi-energy integration in northern Shaanxi.We will strive to build a trillion-level energy and chemical industry cluster and build a world-class high-end energy and chemical industry base.
Action plan "photovoltaic manufacturing development in Shanxi Province three years (2020-2022)," pointed out that, with emphasis on the jinzhong, luliang, changzhi, strengthen the cultivation of major projects and industrial investment, integration promote solar wafers, cells, and components manufacturing industry chain, improve the special equipment, photovoltaic glass, king kong line, silver paste and other supporting system, building photovoltaic manufacturing industrial ecological system. Give full play to the role of Shanxi PV Industry Alliance, promote the upstream and downstream cooperation and innovation of the industrial chain, coordinate internal and external innovation resources, cultivate an industry innovation platform, and promote breakthroughs in cutting-edge technologies.We will strengthen the application demonstration of innovative products, cultivate a batch of brand products with independent intellectual property rights and strong competitiveness, form a trend of high-quality industrial growth, and build a state-level photovoltaic industrial base. By 2022, the operating income of photovoltaic manufacturing industry will reach 13 billion yuan.
The Fourteenth Five-Year Plan and the 2035 Vision Goals of Qinghai have been proposed to promote green and low-carbon development.We will improve the economic system for green, low-carbon and circular development, improve the standards and certification system for the circular economy, promote the transformation of key industries and areas into green ones, support the establishment of systems for comprehensive utilization and harmless disposal of power batteries and photovoltaic modules, and establish a system for recycling waste resources.
Jiangsu Provincial Energy Bureau issued the Special Plan for the Development of Renewable Energy in Jiangsu Province during the 14th Five-Year Plan Period (Draft for Comments), which made it clear that solar energy resources would be fully utilized and the installed photovoltaic power generation capacity of the province would reach 26 million kilowatts by the end of 2025. Among them, distributed and centralized photovoltaic power generation installed capacity reached 12GW and 14GW respectively.In accordance with local conditions, we will promote the construction of "PV +" comprehensive utilization parity demonstration bases and onshore wind power parity demonstration bases in different ways and forms, such as wind-solar complementarity, fishing and optical complementarity, and the combination of agricultural facilities in Yancheng, Nantong, Lianyungang, Suqian, Zhenjiang, Huai 'an, Yangzhou, and Xuzhou. It has promoted the construction of seven pilot projects of distributed power generation market trading, including Suzhou Industrial Park, Zhenglu Industrial Park in Tianning District, Changzhou, Yancheng Modern High-end Textile Industrial Park, Yudong Town in Haimen City, Nantong, Jiangyan District in Qinzhou, Jiangyin City in Wuxi, and Xinghua City in Taizhou.
Sichuan's fourteenth five-year plan and 2035 long-term goal pointed out that overall planning energy and water conservancy infrastructure construction. China will build clean energy bases integrating natural gas Daqing, UHV AC power grid, water and wind, improve the energy production, supply, storage and marketing system, and build demonstration clean energy provinces. According to the official news of Sichuan Development and Reform Commission, the planning review meeting of "three prefectures and one city" photovoltaic bases in Ganzi, Aba, Liangshan Prefecture and Panzhihua City in Sichuan Province was held.After the modification and improvement of the planning, it will be submitted for approval in accordance with the procedures to create conditions for the construction of photovoltaic bases in Sichuan Province during the 14th Five-Year Plan period and thereafter. The total installed capacity of Sichuan "Three States and One City" PV Base in the 14th Five-Year Plan is estimated to be 20GW.
According to the energy bureau of sichuan province regarding the compilation of the photovoltaic power generation base planning (2020-2025), about the matters, in ganzi, aba and liangshan prefecture and photovoltaic base panzhihua. Start planning work, according to the requirements of the base, scale, intensive, each city (state), in principle, planning only one or two photovoltaic power generation base, is no more than three, each photovoltaic power generation base size is not less than 1 gw.
Ji Lin
The 14th Five-Year Plan of Jilin and the long-term goal of 2035 point out that new energy such as hydrogen energy, wind energy, solar energy and biomass energy should be developed innovatively, pumped storage energy in the east should be integrated with new energy resources in the west, the "Three Gorges Project on Land" should be built in Jilin, and the "South Power Transmission of Jilin" should be expanded, and the development of new energy equipment manufacturing industry should be stimulated.
Liaoning's Fourteenth Five-Year Plan and 2035 Vision Goals point out that it will foster and expand the hydrogen, wind power, photovoltaic and other new energy industries, promote clean, low-carbon, safe and efficient utilization of energy, and promote the adjustment of energy consumption structure. We will strengthen and improve the system for energy production, supply, storage and marketing, and accelerate the formation of an energy supply system in which coal, oil, gas, nuclear and new energy sources develop in a coordinated way.
Hebei provincial party committee about 14 for the national economic and social development five-year plan and 2035 vision, refers to the construction of zhangjiakou national renewable energy demonstration area, the national hydrogen industrial demonstration city, build a comprehensive energy system, accelerate the construction of clean energy facilities, promoting the construction of strong smart grid security.
According to before in hebei province development and reform commission issued about asking about advancing the implementation of the orderly development of wind power, photovoltaic science plan (draft) ", hebei construction, plan before the end of 2021 grid photovoltaic project scale up to 12.943 million kW, planned to be completed at the end of the difference of reserve project contains three types, including 9.115 million kW photovoltaic project, can be expected in hebei province photovoltaic new size difference is expected to more than 22 gigawatts (gw).
The National Development and Reform Commission of guangdong province and so on six departments issued by the guangdong province to cultivate new energy strategic emerging industry cluster action plan (2021-2025) proposed that by 2025, the new energy power generation installed size of about 102.5 million kw (including nuclear power installed about 18.5 million kw, gas-electric installed about 42 million kw, wind power, photovoltaic, biomass power generation capacity of about 42 million kw), gas supply capacity of more than 70 billion cubic meters, about 80000 tons of hydrogen production scale, the hydrogen fuel cell is about 5 million kw, energy storage size of about 2 million kilowatts; The operating income of the province's new energy industry reached 730 billion yuan, and the added value of the new energy industry reached 180 billion yuan.
Fujian's Fourteenth Five-Year Plan and 2035 long-term goals point out that optimizing the energy infrastructure layout, improving the energy production, supply, storage and marketing system, building a smart energy system, and building a green, smart and safe modern power grid. We will promote green and low-carbon development.We will formulate and implement an action plan to achieve an early peak in carbon emissions, promote the pilot development of low-carbon cities and low-carbon industrial zones, and explore the establishment of a carbon emission trading market.
Henan province issued "about to develop national economy and social development of henan province 14 five-year plan and 2035 vision", which mentioned that building a supporting system for the low carbon efficient energy, promote energy revolution, electric into the plot construction and new channel, to speed up the national backbone of oil and gas pipeline construction, actively developing new energy and renewable energy, construction along the yellow green energy corridor, improving the energy ChanGong pin storage system.
The Beijing municipal
Beijing Municipal Party Committee on the "14th Five-Year Plan" and 2035 long-term goals of the proposal to improve the level of green, low-carbon and circular development. We will comprehensively transform key industries and key sectors such as industry, construction and transportation into green ones, and deepen the development of carbon emission trading markets. We will vigorously develop new and renewable energy sources.We will support innovation in green technologies, strengthen green, energy saving, clean and environmental protection industries, and establish a mechanism for realizing the value of ecological products. We will create pilot zones for green financial reform and innovation.
Inner Mongolia
Inner Mongolia autonomous region party committee about 14 for the national economic and social development five-year plan and 2035 vision, points out that intensify protection of ecosystem and the grassland, forest protection as priority, strictly enforce the basic grassland protection system, the implementation of the grassland ecological protection subsidies reward policy, improve the system of breeding balance and grassland grazing prohibition, Hugh grazing, grassland ecological carrying capacity for approval and the grassland ecosystem health evaluation, the "return grazing land to increase strength. Indiscriminate mining and mining on grasslands, new mineral resources development and other industrial projects are strictly prohibited, and mining, wind power and photovoltaic projects that have been approved for operation under construction are to be withdrawn when they expire.