

返回列表 来源: 青松智库 发布日期: 2023.02.22 浏览次数:











How to acquire land for photovoltaic power generation projects

According to the provisions of the Land Administration Law and the Rural Land Contracting Law, and combined with the relevant policies and provisions of the land for photovoltaic power generation projects, there are mainly three ways to obtain the right to use the land for photovoltaic power generation projects, namely lease and transfer. In practice, according to the different classification of the actual land use status of various photovoltaic power generation projects, the corresponding land-use right is obtained by leasing or transferring.

Photovoltaic phalanx land is the only power generation device of photovoltaic power generation project, which covers a huge area, and it is very difficult to obtain the scarce construction land index and the cost is not cost-effective. Therefore, unused land is generally used for construction or agricultural land is used on the premise of no actual occupation of the land, no change in the surface shape and no impact on agricultural production. This part of the land is usually obtained by leasing.

The substation and operation management center in the photovoltaic power generation project is an important part of the photovoltaic power generation project. According to the regulations of the Land Control Index of the photovoltaic Power Station Project, the land of the substation and operation management center in the photovoltaic power generation project is permanent land, and the above-ground construction includes: production buildings (including booster equipment, transformer and distribution equipment, substation control room, etc.); Auxiliary production buildings (including PV power station central control room, computer room, station distribution room, electrical laboratory, communication room, warehouse, office, conference room, parking lot, etc.); Living service facilities (including staff dormitory, canteen, activity center, etc.). The land for substation and operation management center shall be used as construction land, and shall be obtained by means of compensated use such as transfer according to Article 54 of the Land Administration Law.

The land for power collection lines, roads and other land covers a relatively small area, and can be constructed without changing the land condition and use mode. The land is generally acquired by leasing. If the photovoltaic power generation project uses overhead lines to set up the collector line, if the collector line tower belongs to the permanent building, this part of the land also needs to be acquired by way of transfer.

V. Composition of land cost for photovoltaic power generation projects

According to the introduction of land acquisition methods for photovoltaic power generation projects in the fourth part, we can know that land acquisition methods mainly include lease and transfer. Those who acquire land by lease need to pay rent, while those who acquire land by transfer need to pay land transfer fee. It can be seen that rent and land transfer fee constitute the main cost of land for photovoltaic power generation projects.

In addition to rent and land transfer fee, there are also two hidden land cost expenditures, namely land occupation tax and land use tax, according to the classification of land ownership and utilization status.

According to the "Law on the Occupation of Cultivated Land", those who occupy cultivated land, garden land, forest land, grassland, land for farmland water conservancy, water surface for breeding, beach of fishery waters and other agricultural land to construct buildings or structures or engage in non-agricultural construction shall pay a one-time tax on the occupation of cultivated land. There are two situations in which photovoltaic power generation projects occupy agricultural land. First, the nature of the land is not changed and the original function of the land is maintained. The other is to change the original land use, formed to build houses or engage in non-agricultural construction. In these two cases, whether farmland occupation tax should be paid, as well as payment standards and calculation methods, the implementation of tax departments in different regions is not unified. This requires the investors to make clear the categories and tax rates with the ZF department in advance before the development and construction, as well as the payment standard and calculation method of the farmland occupation tax payable for the selected land parcel.

According to the Interim Regulations on Land Use Tax in Urban areas, units and individuals that use land in cities, counties, administrative towns, industrial and mining areas are required to pay land use tax on an annual basis. At present, the State Administration of Taxation and the Ministry of Finance have not issued special tax incentives for photovoltaic power generation enterprises. Therefore, it is up to local ZF and tax departments to grasp whether the land use tax should be paid and the payment standard for the construction of photovoltaic projects occupied by urban land. This brings great cost uncontrollability to the development and operation cost of the whole photovoltaic power generation project. For the collection of land use tax, the investor should not only confirm with the local ZF and tax department in advance like confirming the farmland occupation tax, but also make special agreement in the land lease contract signed with the local ZF. If the subsequent tax department of the occupied land requires the collection of land occupation tax, the lessee will be exempt from or pay less rent.


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