
分享 | 户用光伏电站如何清洗太阳能板?

返回列表 来源: 哈尔滨易达光电有限公司 2023-11-25 06:58 发表于 发布日期: 2023.12.11 浏览次数:

安装光伏电站以后,难免会遇到这样的情况:灰尘、落叶、鸟粪等堆积在组件表面,十分影响光伏电站的发电量,所以定期清洗光伏电站太阳能板就很有必要。根据业内人士统计, 经常清洗光伏太阳能板,每年能够有效提升约8%的发电量呢。


太阳能板的清洗工具也比较常见, 常用的有高压水枪、软毛刷、棉拖把等 ,这些工具成本很低,使用也都很方便。






(1) 清洗时间最好选择在清晨、傍晚或者夜间,避开中午等高温时段清洗,以免对太阳能电池板造成损伤。

(2) 清洗时要注意避免使用硬物、尖锐物品直接接触太阳能板。

(3) 不能踩踏太阳能板、支架及其他零部件,容易损坏电站,影响使用寿命。

根据目前的行业运维经验来看,冬季等雨雪较多的季节,一般每月清洗一次即可 (如果有积雪现象,要及时清理),其余月份每月清洗两次即可 。西北等风大、多灰的地区,就需要视具体情况来定了。

需要注意的是:组件清洗时尽量不要用肥皂水 ,平时我们用肥皂洗手时,手上会留有一层薄薄的膜,同样的道理,用肥皂清洗组件后,也会在光伏组件表面留下一层薄膜或残留物,会促使灰尘等更快地附着和堆积,影响电站发电量。除此之外,也不易使用其他腐蚀性清洗剂。

After installing a photovoltaic power station, it is inevitable to encounter situations where dust, fallen leaves, bird droppings, and other debris accumulate on the surface of the modules, greatly affecting the power generation of the photovoltaic power station. Therefore, it is necessary to regularly clean the solar panels of the photovoltaic power station. According to industry insiders, regularly cleaning photovoltaic solar panels can effectively increase power generation by about 8% annually.

So, how to clean photovoltaic solar panels? How often is it appropriate to clean it? What is the best tool to clean photovoltaic panels with? Today, we will answer you one by one.

Cleaning tools for solar panels are also quite common, commonly used include high-pressure water guns, soft bristled brushes, cotton mops, etc. These tools have low costs and are also very convenient to use.

When cleaning, if there is only a small amount of dust on the surface of the solar panel, simply rinse it with a high-pressure water gun.

If there are granular pollutants such as sand and mud on the surface, you can first rinse with a high-pressure water gun to remove the particles, and then brush with a soft bristled brush to avoid the particles sticking to the electrical board.

If there are sticky pollutants such as bird droppings and oily pollutants on the surface, it is necessary to use a clean cloth to wipe them off and clean them with glass water. Finally, rinse with a water gun.

It should be noted that during the use of high-pressure water guns, attention should be paid to the pressure of the high-pressure water gun. Excessive water pressure may cause damage to the solar panel.

What precautions should be taken when cleaning solar panels?

(1) It is best to choose the cleaning time in the morning, evening, or night, avoiding high-temperature periods such as noon to avoid damage to the solar panels.

(2) When cleaning, be careful not to use hard or sharp objects that directly come into contact with the solar panel.

(3) Do not step on solar panels, brackets, and other components as they can easily damage the power station and affect its service life.

Based on current industry operation and maintenance experience, in winter and other rainy and snowy seasons, it is generally sufficient to clean once a month (if there is snow accumulation, it should be cleaned in a timely manner), and in other months, it is sufficient to clean twice a month. In areas with strong winds and a lot of gray in the northwest, it depends on the specific situation.

It should be noted that when cleaning modules, try not to use soapy water. Usually, when we wash our hands with soap, there will be a thin film on our hands. Similarly, after cleaning modules with soap, a thin film or residue will also be left on the surface of photovoltaic modules, which will promote faster adhesion and accumulation of dust and other substances, affecting the power generation of the power plant. In addition, it is also not easy to use other corrosive cleaning agents.


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