

返回列表 来源: 模具云工厂 发布日期: 2022.08.02 浏览次数:









1. Overview of photovoltaic + energy storage principle  




Photovoltaic energy storage system is a combination of photovoltaic power generation system and energy storage battery system, which mainly plays the role of "load regulation, storage of electricity, cooperation with new energy access, making up for line loss, power compensation, improving power quality, isolated network operation, peak cutting and valley filling" in power grid work and application.   Generally speaking, the energy storage power station can be compared to a reservoir, which can store the surplus water in the low period of electricity consumption and then use it in the peak period of electricity consumption, so as to reduce the waste of electric energy.  In addition, energy storage power stations can reduce line loss and increase the service life of lines and equipment.  



Because the power grid needs to maintain the dynamic balance of power generation and consumption in real time, the dispatching of the power grid is very important.   However, photovoltaic power generation is different from traditional energy sources, because it can only generate electricity during the day and cannot cover the peak electricity consumption throughout the day, there will be an imbalance between electricity consumption and electricity generation.  At the same time, due to the peak of photovoltaic power generation are influenced by the sun, the noon for peak and curve change is big in the morning and evening, even in the daytime, cloudy, rain and other weather conditions can affect the photovoltaic power generation, not easy for the grid control output, to promote the development of the scale of distributed photovoltaic (pv), with distributed photovoltaic energy storage is one of the most potential energy model.  


2. What are the benefits of photovoltaic + energy storage?  




1) grid-connected photovoltaic energy storage system  



Grid-connected energy storage system refers to the power generation energy storage system integrated into the power grid. The generated power may be used for its own use, and the excess power will be supplied to other users in the power grid.   The whole system is a power generation system including photovoltaic module array, photovoltaic controller, battery bank, battery management system (BMS), inverter and corresponding joint control and dispatch system of energy storage power station.  




The photovoltaic module array uses the photovoltaic effect of the solar panel to convert light energy into electric energy, and then charges the lithium battery pack. Through the inverter, the direct current is converted to alternating current to supply power to the load.   The intelligent controller continuously switches and adjusts the working state of the battery group according to the change of sunshine intensity and load: on the one hand, the adjusted electric energy is directly sent to the DC or AC load.  




On the other hand, the excess electric energy is sent to storage battery.  When the power generation cannot meet the load demand, the controller sends the power from the battery to the load, ensuring the continuity and stability of the whole system.  The grid-connected inverter system is composed of several inverters, which turn the DC in the battery into standard 380V mains and connect to the low-voltage grid on the user side or send to the high-voltage grid through the boost transformer.   Lithium battery pack plays two roles in energy regulation and load balancing simultaneously in the system.  It converts the electrical energy output by photovoltaic power generation system into chemical energy and stores it for use when the power supply is insufficient. 


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