

返回列表 来源: 光伏能源圈 发布日期: 2023.02.20 浏览次数:







It can be repaid in 6 years, has no subsequent investment, and can operate for at least 25 years...

In recent years, household distributed photovoltaic power stations have become popular in some rural areas with obvious investment or financial promotion and policy support from government departments.

Household distributed photovoltaic power station is a small solar power generation device installed on the roof of a home, which is both environmentally friendly and green. An array of photovoltaic panels, together with the necessary components such as an inverter, can set up a household distributed photovoltaic power station on the roof of a rural house. With the rise of photovoltaic power generation in the rural sinking market, the smoke curling, the smell of the new energy equipment with a sense of science and technology has become a landscape.

In the current development of household distributed photovoltaic, power generation online modes such as "self-use, surplus electricity online" and "full electricity online" can make the electricity energy produced by such small power stations become commodities and incorporated into the national public grid as a new way of income generation, which also makes this kind of family new energy projects have a certain investment value.

The reporter found in the investigation, after years of promotion, household distributed photovoltaic power generation has a certain user base, in part of the rural market has formed a scale of development; On the other hand, the technical characteristics of photovoltaic power generation and the specific conditions of the rural market also make the development of this kind of projects in some areas encounter bottlenecks.

Under the background of power energy shortage this year, the photovoltaic industry chain as a whole shows an increasing trend, which also causes the industry to speculate on "whether photovoltaic power generation can solve the power shortage". Especially on the basis of a certain amount of distributed photovoltaic power generation for rural households, "flexible distribution" and "winning by quantity" have become a simple "solution" idea.

In 1839,

French physicist A.E. Becquerel made an accidental discovery

A volt cell consisting of two pieces of metal immersed in a solution

It creates an extra volt of electric potential when it's hit by sunlight

This is the photoluminescent Volt effect

The picture

Later people used this principle

Creating solar cells that can generate electricity

The picture

We know that

In order to get electricity, two conditions must be met

1. There are enough free electrons

2. The electrons have to move in a directional way

So how does photovoltaic power work?

Solar energy cell

It's made of two silicon plates

The picture

Why do batteries look like this?

Atoms are made up of nuclei and electrons

And the electrons will go around the nucleus in several layers

And it was found that

Usually you have eight electrons in your outermost shell

Atoms are more stable

But most atoms don't have eight. What is photovoltaic power generation?

In 1839,

French physicist A.E. Becquerel made an accidental discovery

A volt cell consisting of two pieces of metal immersed in a solution

It creates an extra volt of electric potential when it's hit by sunlight

This is the photoluminescent Volt effect

The picture

Later people used this principle

Creating solar cells that can generate electricity


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