
返回列表 来源: 光伏联播 发布日期: 2022.11.03 浏览次数:

东莞市给户用的补贴是0.3元/度,同样连补5年,同时对分布式光伏发电项目的各类型建筑和构筑物业主,按装机容量18万元/MW补助,单个项目补助不超144万元,分4年拨付。对机关事业单位、工业、农业等非自有住宅建设分布式光伏发电项目的各类投资者,补助0.1元/度,连补5年;户用光伏补助0.3元/度,连补5年。早在7月6日 ,东莞市发展和改革局发布《关于组织申报2017-2018年东莞市分布式光伏发电资金补助项目的通知》(以下简称《通知》),暨(东发改〔2017〕49号)号文件,宣布户用分布式仍执行6.30政策。 

Guangdong Province belongs to the south subtropical and tropical monsoon climate type, is the country's solar resources of the three types of areas, the annual sunshine hours of 2200~3000 hours, radiation in 502~586x104kJ/cm2·a, equivalent to 170~200kg of standard coal combustion heat. Guangdong is one of the most important markets in China's photovoltaic industry. In August 2014, China's earliest 1MW rooftop photovoltaic power station was completed in Shenzhen International Garden and Flower Expo Park to generate electricity. Thanks to the policy support of national photoelectric Construction and Golden Sun Project, photovoltaic application in Guangdong has made a leap since 2009, but the overall installed capacity is far less than that in the north and Yangtze River Delta. According to the 13th Five-Year Plan of Energy Development in Guangdong Province and the Implementation Plan of Energy Structure Adjustment in the 13th Five-Year Plan of Guangdong Province, the installed scale of photovoltaic capacity in Guangdong Province is planned to reach about 6GW by 2020.

The PV market has huge potential

According to the "Guangdong Solar Photovoltaic Power Generation Development Plan (2014-2020)", Guangdong has nearly 200 industrial parks of various types, with rich resources of concentrated contiguous roofs. According to preliminary investigation and statistics, the roof area of the whole province's buildings and structures that can be installed with distributed photovoltaic power generation system is about 80 million square meters, including about 60 million square meters in the Pearl River Delta region, about 8 million square meters in the eastern region, about 5 million square meters in the western region and about 7 million square meters in the northern region. Accordingly, it is estimated that the installed capacity of distributed photovoltaic power generation in the province is about 8 million kW (8000 MW). In addition, it is estimated that the roof area of new buildings in the province is more than 28 million square meters each year. If 10% of the new building roof area can be installed with photovoltaic power generation system, the installed capacity of photovoltaic power generation can be built up to about 300,000 kW (300 MW) each year.

Photovoltaic policy continues to be positive

While actively introducing photovoltaic subsidy policies, Guangdong government also vigorously guides financial institutions to give priority to providing credit support to key enterprises, innovative projects and photovoltaic power application demonstration projects. We will actively explore financing products and financing methods suitable for the characteristics of the photovoltaic industry, and encourage the application of photovoltaic power generation in various modes such as EPC (general engineering contract) project loans and power station leasing. Venture capital companies and insurance enterprises will be encouraged to participate in the development of the PV industry in various ways, and a long-term market-oriented and diversified investment and financing mechanism will be established.

Subsidies were extended in many places

After the national 531 New Deal, many places in Guangdong issued new policies to extend the number of years of photovoltaic subsidies. Among them, Shenzhen issued a new subsidy policy, Dongguan and Foshan also issued documents to extend the subsidy period, and Guangzhou still implemented the original policy.

Shenzhen: PV subsidy 0.4 yuan/KWH, subsidy time for 5 years

On June 12, THE HOUSING and Construction Bureau OF Shenzhen, Guangdong Province, and the Finance Commission of Shenzhen Municipality issued the Special Fund Management Measures for Building Energy Efficiency Development in Shenzhen. The Measures specify that the subsidy standard for renewable energy building application demonstration projects is: for solar photovoltaic projects, 0.4 yuan/KWH subsidy will be given to the project investor according to the actual annual power generation, and the subsidy time will be 5 years. The annual funding amount for a single project shall not exceed 500,000 yuan.

In addition, there is no restriction on the object of policy subsidies, and the project location is required to be in Shenzhen. The projects funded and supported by the special fund must conform to the industrial policies of the State, Guangdong Province and Shenzhen Municipality, and the project results should be implemented in Shenzhen, which can promote energy conservation and emission reduction, green innovation and development in the construction field, and have good economic, social and environmental benefits.

Foshan: Photovoltaic subsidy 0.15 yuan/degree +1 yuan/watt, extended to 2023

On July 12, the website of Foshan Government published a circular of two government normative documents, including the Notice of Foshan Municipal Office of the People's Government on Awarding and Subsidizing the Construction of photovoltaic Power Application Projects from 2016 to 2018. The notice clearly states that: "Notice of Foshan Municipal People's Government Office on Incentives and Subsidies for photovoltaic Power generation Application Projects completed from 2016 to 2018" (No.57, Fofuban [2016]), the evaluation period is until December 30, 2023.

Foshan's local PV subsidy of 0.15 yuan/KWH +1 yuan/watt, which was due to expire at the end of this year, has been extended to December 30, 2023. Users of photovoltaic projects in Foshan that are grid-connected and accepted before December 30, 2023 can enjoy the subsidy policy of Foshan local photovoltaic.

Dongguan: Household subsidy is 0.3 yuan/degree, subsidy for 5 years

The subsidy given to households in Dongguan is 0.3 yuan/degree for 5 years. At the same time, the owners of various types of buildings and structures in distributed photovoltaic power generation projects will be subsidized according to the installed capacity of 180,000 yuan /MW, and the subsidy for a single project will not exceed 1.44 million yuan, which will be allocated in 4 years. For government institutions, industrial, agricultural and other non-owned residential construction of distributed photovoltaic power generation project investors, 0.1 yuan/degree subsidy for 5 years; Household photovoltaic subsidy of 0.3 yuan/degree, continuous subsidy for 5 years. As early as July 6, Dongguan Development and Reform Bureau issued the "Notice on organizing the application of the 2017-2018 Dongguan distributed photovoltaic power generation fund subsidy project" (hereinafter referred to as the "Notice"), and (East Development and reform [2017] No. 49) document, announced that the household distribution is still implementing the 6.30 policy.

On March 1, 2017, Dongguan Songshan Lake (Ecological Park) High-tech Industrial Development Zone issued the "Dongguan Songshan Lake (Ecological Park) energy saving and low-carbon special fund Management Interim Measures", the measures stipulating the establishment of energy saving and low-carbon special fund. To the enterprises and institutions legally registered in the Park or the units implementing energy-saving, low-carbon, circular or renewable energy projects within the park; Individuals engaged in low-carbon and energy-saving work in the park will receive subsidies. The distributed PV subsidies are explicitly mentioned as follows: distributed PV projects are funded according to installed capacity; One-time subsidy will be provided according to the installed capacity of 180,000 yuan/MW, and the maximum subsidy for a single project will not exceed 1.5 million yuan. The measures are valid until December 31, 2020.

Guangzhou: 0.15 yuan/KWH standard, subsidy time from 2016 to 2021

According to "guangzhou emerging industry development funds management method" (ear FuBan rules [2017] no. 7) and the guangzhou municipal development and reform committee about guangzhou emerging industry development fund management approach "detailed rules for the implementation of form a complete set of notice (ear hair change rules word [2017] no. 3), guangzhou pv subsidy for: apply for pv subsidy project funds shall also meet the following conditions:

1. The project has been included in the overall scale of Guangzhou distributed photovoltaic power generation construction from 2014 to 2020;

2. The project has been accepted and put into production;

3. The project has been connected to the grid or has been in operation for one year;

4. The conversion efficiency of photovoltaic modules adopted in the project shall reach the advanced level. The conversion efficiency of monocrystalline silicon cell module is not less than 16%; The conversion efficiency of the polysilicon cell module is not less than 15%; The conversion efficiency of thin-film cell modules is not less than 8%, and the conversion efficiency of copper indium gallium selenium (CIGS) thin-film cell modules is not less than 12%.

The project construction unit shall be an enterprise or institution registered in accordance with the law in the jurisdiction of Guangzhou with independent legal personality. The post subsidy method is adopted. The installed capacity subsidy shall be applied after the completion and acceptance of the solar photovoltaic power generation project, and the power generation subsidy shall be applied after one year of operation.

1. Subsidy amount for installed capacity of the project. Based on the total installed capacity of the project completed by the roof or facade of the building, the subsidy amount is determined at the standard of 0.2 yuan/watt and will be paid to the owner of the building in a lump sum. The maximum subsidy for a single project is 2 million yuan. 2. Subsidy amount of project power generation. According to the standard of 0.15 yuan/KWH, the subsidy amount is calculated based on the power generation of the project in the previous year. Starting from 2014, the maximum time for a single project to enjoy subsidy funds is 6 years. 3. The special fund subsidy period of Guangzhou solar photovoltaic power generation project construction is from 2016 to 2021.

Summary of the latest subsidy prices of photovoltaic power generation in Guangdong and China

After the completion of the 6GW photovoltaic installation plan in 2020, Guangdong's photovoltaic power generation will be mainly distributed

According to Guangdong's 13th Five-Year energy development Plan, the installed scale of onshore wind power and solar photovoltaic power will both reach about 6 million kW by 2020.

According to statistics, by the end of February 2018, the actual installed capacity of Anhui, Henan, Shandong, Zhejiang, Jiangxi, Hubei, Jiangsu and Hubei provinces exceeded the planned capacity by 390.2, 303.8, 205.3, 198.8, 158.1, 104.5, 12.4 and 52,000 kW, respectively. Guangdong Province, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region and Shanxi Province still have 290.9, 485.6 and 5.574 million kW to reach the relevant targets.

Guangdong has abundant light resources, high industrial and commercial electricity prices, and huge demand for electricity, which is suitable for the development of photovoltaic industry. It is reported that the light resources in Zhanjiang, Yangjiang and Shanwei areas of Guangdong Province are good, and the average effective utilization of light in Guangdong province is about 1000 hours. In addition, the industrial electricity price in Guangdong is relatively high, second only to Shanghai in China, and there are a lot of roof resources in Guangdong. There are nearly 200 parks of all kinds in Guangdong Province, and the roof area of new buildings is more than 80 million square meters every year. Moreover, Guangdong has abundant rainfall, which can reduce the operation and maintenance costs of power stations. Guangdong has abundant roof resources, government subsidies and favorable conditions for the development of distributed photovoltaic. If the above advantages can be fully utilized to form a photovoltaic development model of "government setting the stage and enterprises singing the opera", it is believed that the domestic demand growth of photovoltaic industry will bring a new dawn to the photovoltaic industry in Guangdong Province!


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