
返回列表 来源: 全球光伏 发布日期: 2021.10.10 浏览次数:

01前期开发阶段:1 )寻找项目资源;2) 业主初步沟通;3 )前期资料收集;4) 现场踏勘;5 )技术方案测算;6) 确定开发意向;7) 签订相关协议;
3前期资料收集清单:建筑物业主的营业执照;拟建光伏厂房房产证;拟建光伏厂房土地证;拟建光伏厂房建设规划许可证,屋顶已使用年限,彩钢瓦铺设时间,彩钢瓦厚,彩钢瓦类型 ,彩钢瓦颜色;
屋顶现有设施情况:商业区,屋顶障碍物:气楼、采光带、女儿墙等。周围遮挡物:屋顶周围是否有遮挡有高楼建设规划。配电柜、一二次仓、箱变等安装: 位置,业主同意后,在总平图中标出位置。
• 建筑物屋顶产权清晰;• 所有权方及使用权方是否一致认可项目建设 ;• 业主方能否为项目提供相应的便利条件 ;• 建筑屋顶所有权年限及寿命大于25年;
建筑物结构形式:• 委托原屋顶设计单位或第三方机构进行屋顶荷载计算,并出具满足光伏安装条件的证明;• 建筑结构能否加固,评估加固的难度及成本;
• 屋面防水形式及老化程度• 评估防水修复的难度及成本
• 项目合作模式,• 项目经济性是否可行
其他事项• 分布式光伏的接入距离;• 现场施工难易难度等;
6 确立开发意向,与企业业主积极沟通,签订协议,进入项目备案阶段。
项目投资资料 :屋顶(建筑物)产权证明、业主授权材料(例如 屋顶租赁合同)、售电协议等,屋顶(建筑物)材料,屋顶平面图、屋顶安全承载能力证明材料(由资质的设计单位出具)等。

资料名称,分布式电源项目申请表,包含项目实施地点、投资资金来源、收益情况简单 说明、业主情况等,
03设计施工阶段:拿到备案与接入批复后,EPC与企业确定设计方案,项目顺利进场开工,施工图设计,建设实施(1.现场测绘、地勘、勘界、提出设计要求;2.接入系统报告编制并上会评审出施工图、蓝图;3.各专业进行图纸绘制(结构、土建、电气等);4.现场技术交流;5.送出线路初设可研评审上会, 出具电网接入意见;6.设备采购;7.光伏系统建设工作;8.所有设备电气连接及保护调试、监控安装等9.并网前单位工程调试报告/记录发电系统无力试运行;10,.网前单位工程验收报告/记录

Photovoltaic county to promote reference materials: industrial and commercial photovoltaic development process

The whole county to promote the work in full swing, small box to everyone to find a full process of industrial and commercial photovoltaic development information for your reference.

01 Early development stage: 1) Looking for project resources;2) Initial communication with the owner; 3) Early data collection;4) Site survey;5) Technical scheme calculation; 6) Determine the development intention;7) Sign relevant agreements;

1. Look for project resources, photovoltaic project resources that can be developed, industrial parks/development zones, business districts, large industrial and mining enterprises, national high-tech industrial parks, local high-tech industrial parks, logistics parks, bonded economic development zones, sewage treatment plants and other industrial plants, hotels, restaurants, office buildings, sports venues,

The development of commercial facilities such as airports, railway stations, large commercial centers and super stores should follow the principle of "adapting measures to local conditions, clean and efficient, scattered layout and nearby utilization".

2. Conduct preliminary communication, establish contact with factory owners, conduct interviews on factory conditions, roof structure, electricity consumption level and other basic issues, and determine cooperation intention and energy demand. Through the data and satellite images, the following aspects were investigated to judge the feasibility of the project.• Inspect enterprise attributes (state-owned enterprises, listed enterprises, well-known foreign enterprises), good credit, stable operating conditions and income, and no bad records. • Inspect whether the property rights of the building are independent and clear (real estate certificate, land certificate, original construction planning permit), and whether the property rights of the building are pledged. • Inspect roof structure (concrete, colored steel tile), roof service life and area (at least 20,000 square meters).• Inspect power consumption characteristics, time-sharing electricity quantity, electricity price, voltage grade and transformer capacity. • Check whether there is shelter around the roof or high-rise construction plans, and whether there are gas or solid pollutant emissions around the building.• Inspect the cooperative intention of the owner, and communicate the cooperation mode preliminally (self-use, surplus electricity online).

3. Preliminary data collection list: business license of building owner;Property certificate of proposed PHOTOVOLTAIC workshop; Land certificate for the proposed PHOTOVOLTAIC workshop;Proposed photovoltaic plant construction planning permit, the roof has been used for life, color steel tile laying time, color steel tile thickness, color steel tile type, color steel tile color;

Electricity usage: Electricity statement (electricity bills for at least 12 consecutive months)

4. Site visit: after the completion of the preliminary assessment of the project, the EPC team visited the target enterprise. Uav aerial modeling was used to compare whether the architectural drawings were consistent with the actual situation, and the internal structure and roof of the workshop were reviewed and photographed.

Existing roof facilities: business district, roof barriers: air tower, lighting belt, parapet, etc.Surrounding shelter: Whether there is shelter around the roof and high-rise construction planning. Installation of power distribution cabinet, primary and secondary warehouse, box transformer, etc. : location, with the consent of the owner, the location shall be marked on the general drawing.

Determine cable routing and mark the location on the general drawing.

Photovoltaic access system, other aspects, and network location, voltage level, transformer capacity, circuit breaker brand and size, incoming and outgoing switch cabinet brand and model, reactive power compensation capacity and situation.

The type and value of articles in the factory.Is there a water source for cleaning the PV system?

5. Calculation of technical scheme: evaluate the overall operation of the enterprise and determine the cooperation mode to be adopted.

Key points of project evaluation: building property rights and use rights,

• Clear ownership of the building roof;• Whether the owner and the user agree to the project construction; • Whether the owner can provide appropriate convenience for the project;• The ownership life and life of the roof of the building is greater than 25 years;

Building structure :• Entrust the original roof design unit or a third party organization to calculate the roof load, and issue a certificate meeting the photovoltaic installation conditions; • Whether the building structure can be strengthened, and assess the difficulty and cost of strengthening;

Roofing (waterproof treatment)

• Form of roof waterproofing and degree of aging • Assess the difficulty and cost of waterproofing repair

Project investment (economy)

• Project cooperation mode; • Whether the project is economically feasible

• Access distance of distributed pv;• The difficulty of site construction;

6. Establish the development intention, actively communicate with the enterprise owner, sign an agreement, and enter the project record stage.

02 Project filing stage

1) Project filing by NDRC;: Obtained the project record of county and district Development and Reform Commission

Distributed power supply project application form or project application report, including project implementation place, source of investment funds, brief description of income, owner information, etc.

Enterprise investment items: record form, company information, business license of enterprise legal person, fixed assets investment, project energy saving registration form

Project investment materials: roof (building) property rights certificate, owner authorization materials (such as roof lease contract), electricity sales agreement, roof (building) materials, roof plan, roof safety bearing capacity certification materials (issued by qualified design units), etc.

Access approval from power grid companies: Access approval from county and district power grid companies is obtained

Name of materials, application form of distributed power supply project, including project implementation place, source of investment funds, brief description of income, owner information, etc.

Enterprise information: id card and copy of the operator, original power of attorney of legal person, business license of enterprise legal person, etc., pre-project information of power generation project, property ownership certificate or land certificate, roof lease agreement, electricity sales agreement, roof pressure and roof area feasibility certificate, capital certificate, etc.

Approval documents of NDRC for record: user power grid related information and system access report;

The power supply bureau accepts the application for network connection: free of charge to formulate access scheme, outgoing access letter.

List of main electrical equipment: and main equipment technical parameters and type certification report;Including: photovoltaic modules, inverters, transformers and other equipment (the selection of grid-connected equipment should meet the requirements of national security, energy saving and environmental protection).

03 Design and construction stage: after receiving the record and access approval, EPC and the enterprise shall determine the design scheme, and the project shall enter the site and start work smoothly. Construction drawing design and construction implementation (1). Site surveying and mapping, geological prospecting, demarcation and putting forward design requirements;2. Prepare access system reports and review construction drawings and blueprints; 3. Drawing of various majors (structure, civil engineering, electrical, etc.);4. On-site technical communication; 5. Opinions on power grid access will be issued on the preliminary feasibility study review of the outgoing lines;6. Equipment procurement; 7. Photovoltaic system construction;Electrical connection, protection, debugging, monitoring and installation of all equipment 9. Commissioning report/record of unit project before grid connection; 10. Pre-network unit project acceptance report/record

04 Grid connection acceptance Stage

Industrial and commercial photovoltaic projects are generally divided into three stages. The first stage is for project evaluation and contract signing, the second stage is for filing and access procedures, and the third stage is for grid connection.

01. The project owner applies for grid-connection acceptance and commissioning to the power grid company

02. The power grid company shall accept the application for grid connection acceptance and commissioning

03. Sign power purchase and sale contract and grid connection scheduling agreement with power grid

04. Install power metering devices at gateways

05. Complete grid connection acceptance and debugging

06. The project is connected to the network



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