
返回列表 来源: 发布日期: 2022.03.28 浏览次数:

3月25日,广东省人民政府印发《广东省促进工业经济平稳增长行动方案》,方案明确: 支持光伏、锂离子电池产业发展,鼓励发展分布式光伏,推进海上风电发展,带动太阳能电池、风电装备产业链投资。 推进供电煤耗300克标准煤/千瓦时以上煤电机组改造升级,对纳入规划的跨省区输电线路和具备条件的支撑性保障电源,加快核准开工、建设投产,带动装备制造业投资。推动重点地区沿海、内河老旧船舶更新改造及LNG加注站建设。发挥财政资金引导作用,鼓励企业加快技术改造和设备更新,加大省级企业技术改造资金支持力度,2022年推动8500家工业企业开展技术改造。 大力实施钢铁、有色、建材、石化等重点领域企业节能降碳技术改造工程。


On March 25, The People's Government of Guangdong Province issued the Action Plan for Promoting steady Industrial Economic Growth in Guangdong Province. The plan is clear: support the development of photovoltaic and lithium ion battery industries, encourage the development of distributed photovoltaic, promote the development of offshore wind power, and drive the investment in the industrial chain of solar cells and wind power equipment.   We will promote the upgrading of coal-fired power generating units that consume 300 grams of standard coal per kilowatt-hour or more, speed up the approval for the start of construction and operation of planned trans-provincial power transmission lines and supporting power sources that meet the conditions, and boost investment in the equipment manufacturing industry.  We will promote the upgrading of old ships along coastal and inland rivers and the construction of LNG filling stations in key areas.  We will give full play to the guiding role of government funds, encourage enterprises to speed up technological upgrading and equipment upgrading, increase financial support for technological upgrading of provincial-level enterprises, and encourage 8,500 industrial enterprises to carry out technological upgrading by 2022.  We will vigorously upgrade energy conservation and carbon reduction technologies for enterprises in key sectors such as steel, nonferrous metals, building materials, and petrochemicals.  


We will implement the policy of exempting newly increased renewable energy and raw material consumption from total energy consumption control, and separate energy consumption for major national projects, and organize the implementation of industrial projects that meet the separate energy consumption requirement for major projects during the 14th Five-Year Plan period.   We will improve the policy on dual control of energy consumption, increase the flexibility of total energy consumption management, optimize the frequency of assessment, and conduct overall assessment of energy intensity targets within the 14th Five-Year Plan period, so as to avoid restricting enterprises' normal energy use due to progress in meeting energy intensity targets.  We will coordinate the use of energy consumption targets and emission capacity, and when binding targets for energy conservation and environmental protection are set down, we will leave reasonable space for key strategic and basic projects and projects with good quality and efficiency, so as to ensure rational use of energy in industrial development.  


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