热门关键词: 光伏太阳能板天窗 防水光伏太阳能电池板 U玻璃光伏太阳能电池板
据国家企业信用信息公示系统消息,西安隆基氢能科技有限公司于3月31日注册成功,这意味着隆基正式入局氢能。 值得注意的是,隆基这次拉上了知名百亿私募朱雀基金,并且由隆基创始人李振国担任新公司的董事长、总经理。两家巨头合作,自然引发颇多联想。其一:一个月前,隆基刚刚宣布拟入股森特股份(603098),强势布局BIPV(光伏建筑一体化)领域,如今继续进军氢能,不断延伸产业链背后有哪些考量? 其二:今年以来如长城汽车、中国石化、上海电气、阳光能源等公司均发布相关消息,布局氢能。市场追捧之下,氢能的潜力几何? 其三:氢能概念从2019年炒作至今,资本市场早已从关注概念到关注产业链建设。隆基布局氢能,到底有何优势?
产业化布局“光伏制氢”,氢能板块大涨4.5%. 光伏龙头隆基股份正式杀入氢能领域。 工商信息显示,3月31日,西安隆基氢能科技有限公司(以下简称隆基氢能)注册成立,注册资本3亿元。隆基氢能股东为隆基股份全资子公司西安隆基绿能创投管理有限公司与上海朱雀嬴私募投资基金合伙企业(有限合伙)。隆基股份方面告诉粉巷财经(ID:nbdfxcj),隆基早在2018年就开始关注和布局可再生能源电解制氢,近三年来,与国内、海外知名科研机构、权威专家进行了深入的研发课题合作,在电解制氢装备、光伏制氢等领域形成了技术积累,下一步将进行氢能产业化布局。 事实上,今年3月16日,隆基股份战略管理中心总经理蒋东宇在北京召开的第六届中国能源发展与创新论坛上,就表示过对氢能的看好:未来,氢能需求将十分可观,绿氢将推动光伏产业快速增长。
蒋东宇介绍,随着光伏产业的发展,“光伏+”的多样化应用场景逐渐涌现,并实现经济社会多重效益。在众多的“光伏+”模式中,“光伏+氢能”被普遍看好。以清洁的光伏电力和氢气替代石油、天然气能源,将显著减少二氧化碳排放。 “到2050年,全球氢需求将达到6亿吨/年~8亿吨/年的规模,按照这一预期,未来30年,全球年均新增的制氢规模约为2500万吨,将带来新增光伏装机年均900GW左右,从而形成万亿级的市场规模。”蒋东宇称。在隆基氢能注册成立的前一天,隆基股份官方微信还发布了一篇题为《光伏+氢=绿氢,新能源跨界融合还能这么玩》的文章,文章提到: 当光伏遇见氢能,一个全新的新能源应用蓝海出圈诞生。而“绿色氢气”作为实现气候目标的新兴领域,正成为行业焦点。
延伸产业链,抢滩光伏细分领域. 3月30日,国新办举行的中国可再生能源发展有关情况发布会上,国家能源局表示,到“十四五”末,可再生能源将从原来能源电力消费的增量补充,变为能源电力消费增量的主体。随着近年光伏装机规模不断扩大,仅2020年我国新增装机规模48.2GW。 在“双碳”目标之下,光伏将进入下一个快速发展阶段。中国光伏行业协会相关报告显示,“十四五”国内年均光伏新增装机规模达70GW-90GW。
但光伏装机量的不断攀升,也带来了另一个问题——电力消纳,这也是目前光伏大规模发展的瓶颈之一。有新能源行业资深分析师表示,未来几年,储能能否在政策和市场的支持下实现大规模应用,将成为突破电网消纳瓶颈的关键途径。 而光伏+氢正是解决光伏储能问题的路径之一。 隆基股份产业研究专业总监白云飞表示,氢作为储能介质具有比锂电池储能更高的能量密度,非常适合作为几天、几周,甚至几个月的长时间储能手段,来解决光伏发电所遇到的日间不平衡,季度不平衡等问题,使光伏加储能成为未来电力的终极解决方案。此外,白云飞称,光伏制氢为光伏发电创造了一个新的应用场景和广阔的市场需求。目前全球氢气需求量约6千万吨/年,如果全部由光伏发电来生产,需要超过1500GW的光伏。未来三十年氢的年均新增需求在2000吨以上,每年需要新增约900GW光伏装机。 对于隆基来说,在上游硅材料价格和供应起伏较大的情况下,利用自身成本和技术优势,向下延伸产业链不失为一个抢占未来行业先机的决策。
作为光伏行业龙头,隆基在电池组件方面的技术优势明显,且已经形成规模效应,如果能将此优势继续延伸,实现制氢成本的持续降低,其市场竞争力将会不断增强。 隆基股份表示,据初步计算,在光照好的地方,光伏制氢的电力成本约1毛5分钱,大幅低于现在制氢的电力成本,光伏制氢的竞争力也将逐渐增强,市场空间也将全面展现。
政策力挺,多家公司宣布进军氢能领域, 日前召开的中央财经委员会第九次会议强调,我国力争2030年前实现碳达峰,2060年前实现碳中和。会议指出,要构建清洁低碳安全高效的能源体系,控制化石能源总量,着力提高利用效能,实施可再生能源替代行动,深化电力体制改革,构建以新能源为主体的新型电力系统。 而氢能,被誉为21世纪最具发展潜力的清洁能源,氢燃烧的产物是水,是世界上最干净的能源,同时,除核燃料外,氢的发热值是所有化石燃料、化工燃料和生物燃料中最高的。 因此在“双碳”目标之下,氢能代替传统化石能源被寄予厚望。
英国石油公司BP最新发布的《世界能源展望》中指出,到2050年,氢能占终端能源消费总量比例或将增长16%,其中电解水制氢将成供氢主体,中国的电解水制氢率先采用可再生能源,据中国氢能联盟发布的白皮书显示,到2050年,我国可再生能源电解制氢将占氢气供应结构的70%。 而且在应用方面,目前交通领域已进入推广应用阶段。 平安证券研报显示,我国燃料电池汽车已进入商业化初期,截至2020年底,我国燃料电池企业保有量7352辆。预计2050年氢能在中国终端能源体系中占比至少达到10%,交通运输领域用氢2458万吨,约占该领域用能比例19%,燃料电池车产量达到520万辆/年。
值得注意的是,3月29日,长城汽车刚刚举办了一场氢能战略发布会,表示将采用光伏制氢,再投入30亿元用于氢能领域研发,以达到万套产能规模,并于2025年剑指全球氢能市场占有率前三。 除此之外,阳光电源、宝丰能源、晶科科技等多家上市公司已经进入光伏制氢领域。 如阳光电源旗下新能源公司已经与山西省榆社县、屯留区签署300MW光伏、50MW制氢以及500MW光伏制氢项目。
According to the State Enterprise Credit Information Publicity System, Xi 'an Longji Hydrogen Technology Co., Ltd. was successfully registered on March 31, which means Longji has officially entered the Bureau of Hydrogen Energy. It is worth noting that Longji this pull on the well-known private equity Zhuque Fund, and by the founder of Longji Li Zhenguo as the chairman of the new company, general manager. Two giant cooperation, cause quite a lot of association naturally. First: a month ago, Longji just announced that it plans to become a shareholder of Cent shares (603098), a strong layout of BIPV (photovoltaic building integration) field, now continue to march into hydrogen energy, and continue to extend the industrial chain behind what considerations?Second: since the beginning of this year, such as Great Wall Motor, Sinopec, Shanghai Electric, Sunshine Energy and other companies have released relevant news, layout of hydrogen energy. What is the potential of hydrogen energy in the market?Third, the hydrogen energy concept has been hyped since 2019, and the capital market has already shifted its attention from the concept to the construction of the industrial chain. What are the advantages of lung-based hydrogen energy?
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Industrialization layout of "photovoltaic hydrogen production", hydrogen energy sector rose by 4.5%. Photovoltaic leading Longi shares officially entered the hydrogen energy field. Industrial and commercial information shows that on March 31, Xi 'an Longji Hydrogen Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Longji Hydrogen) was registered and established with a registered capital of 300 million yuan. Longji Hydrogen shareholders for Longji shares wholly-owned subsidiary Xi 'an Longji Green Energy Venture Management Co., Ltd. and Shanghai Zhuque won private equity investment fund partnership (limited partnership). Longji on shares tell powder lane (ID: NBDFXCJ) of finance and economics, longji begin to pay close attention to and layout as early as 2018, renewable energy electrolytic hydrogen production, nearly three years, with the well-known domestic and overseas research institutions and experts carried on the thorough research and development project cooperation, in the electrolytic hydrogen making equipment, such as solar hydrogen production field formed the technical accumulation, the next step will be the hydrogen industrial layout.In fact, on March 16 this year, Jiang Dongyu, general manager of Longi Strategic Management Center, expressed his optimism about hydrogen energy at the 6th China Energy Development and Innovation Forum held in Beijing: in the future, hydrogen energy demand will be very considerable, and green hydrogen will promote the rapid growth of photovoltaic industry.
Jiang Dongyu introduced that with the development of photovoltaic industry, diversified application scenarios of "photovoltaic +" have emerged gradually, and multiple economic and social benefits have been achieved. In numerous "photovoltaic +" mode, "photovoltaic + hydrogen energy" is generally optimistic.Replacing oil and natural gas with clean photovoltaic power and hydrogen will significantly reduce carbon dioxide emissions. "By 2050, the global hydrogen demand will reach 600 million tons/year ~ 800 million tons/year. According to this expectation, in the next 30 years, the global annual increase in hydrogen production will be about 25 million tons, which will bring about 900GW of new photovoltaic installed capacity annually, thus forming a trillion-level market scale."Jiang Dongyu said.The day before the establishment of Longji Hydrogen Registration, the official WeChat of Longji Group also released an article titled "Photovoltaic + Hydrogen = Green Hydrogen, New Energy Cross-boundary Fusion can also play this". The article mentioned that: when photovoltaic meets hydrogen energy, a new blue ocean of new energy application is born. And "green hydrogen" as an emerging field to achieve climate goals, is becoming the focus of the industry.
The news of Longji's entry into the Bureau of Hydrogen Energy was released on April 5, the last day of the Tomb Sweeping Day holiday. On April 6, the first trading day of the Japanese week, the hydrogen energy sector rose 4.48%. Houpu shares (300471), Fulite equipment (300228) rose 20%, Meijin energy (000723), Yeti shares (002639), Xiongtao shares (002733) set off a wave of trading limit.
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On March 30, the National Energy Administration said at a press conference on China's renewable energy development held by the State Information Office that by the end of the 14th Five-Year Plan period, renewable energy will become the main part of energy and electricity consumption instead of the original incremental supplement. With the continuous expansion of photovoltaic installed capacity in recent years, China will increase the installed capacity of 48.2GW in 2020 alone. Under the "double carbon" target, photovoltaic will enter the next stage of rapid development. China Photovoltaic Industry Association related report shows that in the "Fourteenth Five-Year" domestic annual average photovoltaic installed capacity of 70GW-90GW.
However, the increasing number of photovoltaic installations has also brought another problem - electricity consumption, which is one of the bottlenecks in the large-scale development of photovoltaic. A senior analyst in the new energy industry said that in the next few years, whether energy storage can be implemented on a large scale with the support of policy and market will become a key way to break through the bottleneck of power grid consumption.And photovoltaic + hydrogen is one of the ways to solve the problem of photovoltaic energy storage.Longji shares industry research director of professional sikong said, hydrogen as an energy storage medium has a higher energy density than lithium battery energy storage, very suitable for as the days, weeks, even months long time energy storage method, to solve the imbalance in the day, and photovoltaic power generation have encountered quarter imbalance and other issues, make the pv and energy storage become the ultimate power solution in the future. In addition, photovoltaic hydrogen production has created a new application scenario and broad market demand for photovoltaic power generation, Bai said. The current global demand for hydrogen is about 60 million tons/year, and if all of it is produced by PV, more than 1500GW of PV will be needed. In the next 30 years, the annual increase in hydrogen demand will be more than 2,000 tons, and about 900GW of photovoltaic installed capacity will be needed annually. For Longi, in the case of the price and supply of upstream silicon materials fluctuating greatly, it is a decision to take advantage of its own cost and technical advantages to extend the industrial chain downward to seize the opportunity of the future industry.
As a leader in photovoltaic industry, Longi has obvious technical advantages in battery modules and has formed scale effect. If it can continue to extend this advantage and reduce the cost of actual hydrogen production, its market competitiveness will continue to be enhanced. Longi Co., Ltd. said that according to preliminary calculations, in places with good sunlight, the electricity cost of photovoltaic hydrogen production is about 15 cents, which is significantly lower than the current electricity cost of hydrogen production. The competitiveness of photovoltaic hydrogen production will gradually strengthen, and the market space will be fully displayed.Previously, Longji shares in the Sent shares, the layout of BIPV business is also in the downstream industry chain continues to extend the performance. And once those two businesses mature, Longi may have an edge in a new area.
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The ninth meeting of the Financial and Economic Commission of the CPC Central Committee recently stressed that China aims to achieve a carbon peak by 2030 and achieve carbon neutrality by 2060. The meeting pointed out that we should build a clean, low-carbon, safe and efficient energy system, control the total amount of fossil energy, focus on improving the utilization efficiency, implement the action of replacing renewable energy, deepen the reform of the power system, and build a new type of power system with new energy as the main body.Hydrogen energy is known as a clean energy with the greatest development potential in the 21st century. The product of hydrogen combustion is water, which is the cleanest energy in the world. At the same time, except nuclear fuel, hydrogen has the highest calorific value among all fossil fuels, chemical fuels and biofuels. Therefore, under the "double carbon" target, hydrogen can replace the traditional fossil energy is expected.
In the Outline of the 14th Five-Year Plan, hydrogen energy and energy storage have been listed as one of the six future industries in the forward-looking plan. So far, several provinces and cities have issued special policies for hydrogen energy industry.
BP's latest "world energy outlook," pointed out that by 2050, the hydrogen of terminal or proportion of the total energy consumption will grow by 16%, the electrolysis of water hydrogen for hydrogen will become the main body, the electrolysis hydrogen production in China to introduce renewable energy sources, according to a white paper released by the China hydrogen union, in 2050, China's renewable energy electrolytic hydrogen production will account for 70% of the hydrogen supply structure. In terms of application, the transportation field has entered the stage of popularization and application. China's fuel cell vehicles have entered the early stage of commercialization, and by the end of 2020, the number of fuel cell enterprises in China had reached 7,352, according to a research report by Ping An Securities. Hydrogen energy is expected to account for at least 10% of China's terminal energy system by 2050, with 24.58 million tons of hydrogen used in the transportation sector, accounting for 19% of the total energy used in the sector, and the annual output of fuel cell vehicles reaching 5.2 million units.
It is worth noting that, on March 29, Great Wall Motor just held a hydrogen energy strategy conference, saying that it will adopt photovoltaic hydrogen production and invest another 3 billion yuan in hydrogen energy research and development, so as to reach the scale of production capacity of 10,000 sets, and will become the top three in the global hydrogen energy market share in 2025. In addition, Sunlight Power, Baofeng Energy, Jinko Technology and other listed companies have entered the photovoltaic hydrogen production field. The new energy company of Sunlight Power has signed 300MW photovoltaic, 50MW hydrogen production and 500MW photovoltaic hydrogen production projects with Yushhe County and Tunliu District of Shanxi Province.
Hydrogen energy production and application of the trillions of blue ocean, is becoming the photovoltaic giant to seize the new wind port. The picture