

返回列表 来源: 古瑞瓦特 发布日期: 2022.12.23 浏览次数:
蓄电池充电也有四种方式可选择 ,如果选择用市电给蓄电池充电,应注意到效率会降低,因为市电给蓄电池充电后再放出来,会有一定的电量损耗,通常离网逆变器充放电的效率约为90%,因此会有10%左右的电量损耗。






Battery charging also has four ways to choose, if you choose to use the mains to charge the battery, it should be noted that the efficiency will be reduced, because the mains to charge the battery after release, there will be a certain amount of power loss, usually off the grid inverter charging and discharging efficiency is about 90%, so there will be about 10% of the power loss.

1) Photovoltaic priority: photovoltaic priority to battery charging, only when there is no photovoltaic, the battery will be charged by the mains. This mode is suitable for the utility price is relatively expensive, and the power supply requirements are not particularly high.

2) Mains priority: Mains priority to charge the battery, only when there is no mains, photovoltaic power to charge the battery. This model is suitable for the scenario where the mains electricity price is cheaper but there are frequent power outages.

3) Simultaneous charging of mains and PV: This mode is suitable for users with low mains price and high power supply requirements.

4) Photovoltaic sole charge: with or without mains power, only photovoltaic charge is used. This mode is suitable for the utility price is particularly high, and the demand for power supply is not very high.

The above four working modes are optional in the case of photovoltaic and mains power. If there is no mains complementary inverter, there is only one working mode, that is, photovoltaic single-charge mode.


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