热门关键词: 光伏太阳能板天窗 防水光伏太阳能电池板 U玻璃光伏太阳能电池板
2020年10月12日, 天合光能(688599.SH)最新发布的2020年前三季业绩预告显示,公司归属于母公司所有者的净利润为 7.55亿元至 8.36亿元,与上年同期(法定披露数据)相比,将增加 98.77%至 120.10%左右。 能源一号发现,由于上半年公司归属于母公司所有者利润为4.93亿,因此其第三季度的利润可能会在3.43亿左右。公司一季度利润、二季度利润分别是1.53亿,3.4亿,因此三季度如果利润预测达到3.43亿,将超越二季度。
该企业表示,预计 2020 年前三季度实现归属于母公司所有者的扣非净利是 7.12亿元至 7.93亿元,与上年同期(法定披露数据)相比,将同比增加 67.65%至 86.73%左右。以“至尊”系列为核心的这家大硅片电池及组件厂商表示,报告期内,受益于光伏行业的良好发展态势,公司加快技术与产品创新,借助全球化布局及先进产能规模化优势,光伏产品业务取得增长,公司实现营业收入较去年同期较大幅度增长。 与去年同期相比,公司海外高毛利地区的光伏组件业务销售增长显著,对公司净利润的增长做出较大贡献。
On October 12, 2020, Trina Solar (688599.SH) recently released the first three quarters of 2020 performance forecast shows that the company's net profit attributable to the owner of the parent company is 755 million yuan to 836 million yuan, compared with the same period last year (statutory disclosure data), will increase 98.77% to about 120.10%. Energy One found that its third-quarter profit was likely to be around 343 million yuan, as the company's first-half profit attributable to its parent owner was 493 million yuan. The company's profit for the first quarter and second quarter was 153 million and 340 million, respectively, so if the profit forecast for the third quarter reaches 343 million, it will surpass the second quarter.